Segunda Division Rfef Promotion Play Off (Spain) - AI nogometna predviđanja online
Kyei Isaac 12 sat0Prediction for matches
Most of the games indicated 1-1 or 0-0 do you mean the games will end in draw ?
I haven't implemented any changes to the algorithm recently, so I think it's worth checking how it looks in percentage results.
Hi! I added ads to the site so that the service can be maintained for free for users. I hope they won't bother you too much. Thanks in advance!
I need a prediction of all English premier league and Spanish laliga and all the major league games
Hello! A short organizational note: If you have an idea for a feature that you are missing, please report it directly here:
Valuable feedback, thank you! I've added it to the Roadmap and I encourage you to enter your suggestions there:
Please Admin any hope of adding corners prediction to the site and do the site have mobile app for iOS
In January, the app will probably be publicly available first on Google Play and then on iOS.
Analyse Chelse vs Brentford, Southampton vs Tottenham , PSG vs Lyon :Task one creat a betbuilder of result+most likely players to have 1+ shot on target + goals over/under 2.5; if the percentage is high for player to score or assist it can be included(+) in the bet builder; based on their performance in the last 5 games
Here is a live chat with users - the ability to write prompts will probably be implemented, although not yet
- To download, first add yourself as a tester, and then you will be able to download it from the link that Google will display on this subpage
Thanks in advance for your help, but the app isn't seeing the interest I expected, so I'm unlocking prediction for everyone.
- To download, first add yourself as a tester, and then you will be able to download it from the link that Google will display on this subpage
Hi! Have you installed the AIPredict app in the test version? I have some data shifts so I have a huge request: If you have installed it, write "yes" in the response, or like my message - I will be able to compare the real number - it is important to me. Thank you in advance!
- To download, first add yourself as a tester, and then you will be able to download it from the link that Google will display on this subpage
Under 2.5 Goals for < 4.5 result - what does this mean ,(do i place a bet under 2.5 or under 4.5) thanks
This means that the AI is predicting under 2.5 goals and according to statistics, this percentage will be in the range of the actual result of less than 4.5 goals.
I still dont understand this. Do i fix the filter on under 4.5 goals and if AI predicts 1:1 we play under 2.5?
Conversely. You set the filter under 2.5 and the prediction for those matches that there will be less than 4.5 goals is correct in about 85-90% (
UPDATE: Now on a specific team subpage (e.g. found in the search engine in the upper right corner), in addition to the future predictions of a given team, we can see summary statistics (similar to general statistics) and all predictions with results for individual matches. This can make it easier to bet on individual teams and leagues (results have also been implemented for individual leagues).
I hope you like the new features! -
Please look at tomorrow's predictions. They should be the same as before (today may still have some inconsistencies). From tonight onwards, the results in the Results section should also be correctly calculated
This issue has already been fixed yesterday (few comments below for info). It was caused by AI testing, which affected the results for 2 days. Sorry for the inconvenience. As of tomorrow the data should be correct.
what happened to under 2.5 goals.i prefer the old system. so many teams which are usually under 2.5 have suddenly disappeared.
I did some small AI tests, I think in a few days (maybe from Wednesday) it should be ok, sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello! Latest update: H2H for teams has been added. Just click on the cell of a given match and it will automatically redirect us to the comparison of results and form of both teams. I am also working on creating the possibility of comparing any two teams, I think it should be implemented in a few days.
I suggest , you work on teams who get red bookings often before making analysis on the draw games, all the draw games went bad because of this red cards ...
I need more explanation on how to get the draws , straight wins and the correct scores. Am a bit confused because there is know any analysis to take determined or rating the percentage. Plz kindly help us out about this issue.
The draws are mostly shown as 1:1 ,0:0, or 2:2.... Straight wins are usually of uneven score , like straight win for home of prediction 2:1 ,2:0 ,or 1:0 ,same as straight win for away as 1:3 , 1:2 or 0:1
I think there is no such thing as a sure prediction. AI effectively increases the probability, but there is never 100% in football
Can you let me understand,... Under 3.5/u der 4.5 .. let chat on Whatsapp..+233 0551006184
When it comes to tennis - a prototype has already been created. I think I will finish a few things needed for football and then tennis will be added.
I think you should work more on your straight wins , rather than this overs and draw predictions
I plan to introduce extended prediction functions for a smaller number of matches. I think this option will appear soon and I will also add its separate statistics.
You will find detailed statistics on the subpage with the percentage overview (button below) -
Quick update: Today, live chat loading optimization has been implemented - from now on, it will no longer delay the loading of the entire page
I don't know if I understand correctly - all types of predictions are in tables. What exactly do you need? Please let me know, I'll try to help.
Second quick update: Time zones have been corrected for both individual days and collective matches for given leagues. If, however, somewhere does not match - please let me know.
Quick update: Started or finished matches will no longer be unnecessarily displayed on the page for individual days. For example: if it is 10:00 and the match is at 11:00, then this match will disappear from the table at 11:00. Additionally, hourly sorting has been improved.
Referring to your comment - I have implemented a button leading to the prediciton results in % directly above the filtration
In the results section you will find percentage statistics -
Today, the display of team and league names has been improved. If you see an incorrect name (without special characters) somewhere, please let me know directly in the chat. Thanks in advance!
Im trying to understand, why is it show like 1-2 2-1 2-2 ? so if i see 1-2 i put under 3.5?
Exactly. A predicted score of 1-2 for example means that the AI predicts less than 3.5 goals in the match
The predictions are available in every table on The result you see there is this prediction. If you have any additional questions, I am at your disposal,
Personally, I often use Under/Over bets with a 1-goal advantage (this statistic is on the main page as one of the TOP 3).
For example: I check matches in which the AI predicts no more than 2 goals in total, and then predicts that the match will end with a score of no more than 4.5 goals in total.
I bet a few matches like this and the effectiveness is really good.
In some time I will show how it looked in, because there are often days when this type of bet returns 100% effectiveness, and for example, on a given day the AI predicted 15-20 such matches. By betting on all of them, you could make an accumulator bet from that many matches.
I personally love AI predictions because almost 75% of all my questions on soccer games are coming out with accurate perdition from AI.
Thanks for this comment, your score is really good, congratulations. If you allow me, I will also post it on the main page.
I have a huge request for you: Can you please write why you like AIPredict? I would like to make a testimonials section on the main page, where I will post these comments along with the author's signature. Many thanks in advance!
Hello! We are introducing a general chatbox. In addition to standard conversations, it can be used to propose new features for AIPredict, because if the feature is valuable - it is usually implemented within a week, maybe two. Maybe you already have an idea for a new feature?
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Razumijevanje Play-Offa za Promociju u Segunda División RFEF
Segunda División RFEF, uspostavljena kao treća liga profesionalnog nogometa u Španiji, služi kao vitalni korak za klubove koji teže usponu u prestižne sfere La Lige i Segunda División. Sustav play-offa za promociju, koji je ključni dio strukture ove lige, pruža uzbudljivo borilište za timove koji se bore za priliku da se popnu na nogometnu hijerarhiju. Sa svojim jedinstvenim formatom, bogatom poviješću i emocionalnom vožnjom koju nudi timovima i navijačima, play-off za promociju zaslužuje dubinsku analizu.
Struktura Segunda División RFEF
Segunda División RFEF podijeljena je u više grupa, s timovima koji se natječu diljem Španije. Svake sezone, najbolji timovi iz ovih grupa ne teže samo slavi u svojim ligama, već i zlatnoj prilici za sudjelovanje u play-offu za promociju. Dok prvaci svake grupe osvajaju automatsku promociju u Segunda División, drugoplasirani ulaze u format play-offa s visokim ulozima koji dodaje dodatni sloj uzbuđenja sezoni. Ovaj sustav stvara natjecateljsko okruženje u kojem svaka utakmica ima značajne posljedice, držeći navijače na rubu sjedala do posljednjeg zvižduka.
Format Play-Offa za Promociju
Play-off za promociju uključuje niz eliminacijskih rundi. Obično, četiri najbolja tima iz grupne faze se kvalificiraju, pri čemu se točan broj ponekad mijenja na temelju organizacijskih odluka. Ovi timovi se pariraju u međusobnim utakmicama, a pobjednici napreduju u finale. Format je osmišljen kako bi stvorio uzbudljive susrete, dok se klubovi s bogatom poviješću i predanim navijačima bore za željeno mjesto u drugoj ligi španjolskog nogometa.
Utakmice se igraju u dva dijela, a zbroj rezultata određuje tko napreduje. Ovaj format s dva dijela ne testira samo taktičku prilagodljivost timova, već i njihovu psihološku izdržljivost.
pskih otpornosti. Napetost i iščekivanje rastu dok se klubovi suočavaju s pritiskom nastupanja pod reflektorima, često uz strastvenu podršku svojih navijača. Atmosfera na stadionima tijekom ovih ključnih susreta je električna, što je svjedočanstvo duboko ukorijenjene nogometne kulture u Španjolskoj.Povijesni značaj i značajni trenuci
Play-off za promociju u Segunda División RFEF urezan je u anale povijesti španjolskog nogometa s brojnim nezaboravnim trenucima. Klubovi kao što su Real Betis, Granada CF i Cádiz CF poznato su navigirali ovim izazovnim putem, pokazujući odlučnost i upornost potrebnu za napredovanje kroz rangove. Na primjer, u dramatičnom play-offu 2019. godine, uzbudljiv susret između Real Madrid Castille i UD Las Palmas završio je napetim izvođenjem jedanaesteraca koje je izazvalo potrese u nogometnoj zajednici.
Štoviše, emocionalne narative oko ovih play-offa često nadilaze sam sport. Navijači putuju tisućama kilometara, noseći snove o svjedočenju uspona svog kluba na nove visine. Radost pobjede može transformirati sudbinu kluba, dok bol poraza može trajati godinama. Takve priče duboko odjekuju unutar zajednica, čineći play-off ne samo nizom utakmica, već proslavom strasti, odanosti i nade.
Uloga razvoja mladih i skautinga
Dok se klubovi pripremaju za play-off za promociju, važnost razvoja mladih postaje ključna. Mnogi timovi oslanjaju se na svoje akademije kako bi proizveli domaće talente sposobne ostaviti trag u ključnim trenucima. Na primjer, igrači poput Ansua Fatija, koji je potekao iz poznate La Masije FC Barcelone, ističu značaj njegovanja mladih igrača koji mogu voditi svoje timove tijekom situacija pod visokim pritiskom. Klubovi koji daju prioritet skautingu i ulaganju u svoje sustave mladih često se bolje pripremaju za suočavanje s izazovima play-offa za promociju i su... Here is the translated text in Croatian:
uspjeh u višim divizijama.
Budućnost doigravanja za promociju u Segunda División RFEF
Gledajući unaprijed, doigravanje za promociju u Segunda División RFEF će se nastaviti razvijati. S napretkom u sportskoj tehnologiji i analitici, klubovi postaju sve sofisticiraniji u svom pristupu pripremi. Strategije temeljene na podacima vjerojatno će igrati ključnu ulogu u tome kako timovi analiziraju protivnike, osmišljavaju taktike i upravljaju fizičkom spremnošću igrača tijekom iscrpljujućih faza doigravanja.
Nadalje, kako se nogometni pejzaž mijenja, značaj doigravanja za promociju može se povećati. S sve više klubova koji prepoznaju financijske i konkurentske prednosti uspinjanja u Segunda División, očekuje se da će intenzitet i kvaliteta utakmica rasti. Ova evolucija ne samo da će poboljšati spektakl za navijače, već će također učvrstiti poziciju doigravanja kao ključne komponente španjolskog nogometa.
Na kraju
Doigravanje za promociju u Segunda División RFEF sažima bit natjecanja, aspiracije i zajedništva u španjolskom nogometu. To je poligon za klubove i igrače, gdje se snovi oblikuju i nasljeđa stvaraju. Dok se timovi nastavljaju boriti za promociju, narativi koji se razvijaju zasigurno će obogatiti tapiseriju španjolskog nogometa, podsjećajući nas sve na moć lijepe igre da ujedini i inspirira.